Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Date Nights

Jason and I have been on some fun dates lately: we finally used a Christmas gift card to a place we'd wanted to try out. It's a bit hard to explain but it had a bunch of rooms with several different interactive games you could try out in each room. Each game lasted only a minute or two, and you'd go in with only your group. They only let a certain number of people into the place at a time, so you never had to wait long to play. It was really a creative place and a lot of fun!
In this room you  had to find the one button among probably a couple hundred buttons that was the same as the one they showed you. The more you found, the better your score.
And we went to the wedding reception of a young man we'd known as a little boy. Some other dear friends from that ward were also at the reception- the Maduras. We all were newlyweds together with several other couples in the ward at the time, and we all had kids around the same time too. It was a special time with a special group of people. It was so good to catch up with them and reminisce. 

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