Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Is she sticking out her tongue? Nope, she's enjoying an airhead:)

Monday, April 28, 2014


The kids, especially Ali, were very excited to watch conference this year. I think they were actually excited to get to use their conference notebooks again, but I'll take it. They also enjoyed a new game this year: jars filled with different types of candy with a word on the outside (prophet, temple, prayer, etc) and when they heard the word they got to eat the candy. We only did that for one session though, because we must have been inspired about our word choices and didn't want them to get sick!
Ever since they were tiny, Ali and Logan have thought Elder Anderson looked like their daddy, and were excited to see "Daddy" on TV:)
We only asked them to sit with us for one session, but even when we sent them away to watch a movie in the basement or go outside, they kept coming back...unfortunately they had a bit of a hard time being quite when they came back, but I guess I can't blame them for wanting to be both near their parents and the word of the Lord! I am thankful for conference and the technology that allows me to hear the words of the prophets even when they are in Utah and I am in Illinois!

Friday, April 25, 2014


"Look, Mommy, I'm giving my monkey a piggy-back-ride!"

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Breakfast Soup

Ali and Logan were so excited the other morning to present me with some breakfast soup they had made themselves. Ingredients: water, about half a jar of honey, carrots, bread, grapes, cantaloupe, and strawberries. All good on their own, but not so great together, especially with all that honey and being soggy. I mentally awarded myself some serious mom points while taking exactly one bite from each bowl and then discreetly throwing the rest away.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter

We love holidays. Almost as much as Grandma Quillen does, and she always helps us kick them off with a bang with her fun, always much anticipated, and much appreciated packages. Here are Ali and Eli showing off some of this package's favorites:

Grandma and Grandpa Eldredge have adopted JD and his family as part of their own, which we all so love, and so I had to get a shot of these two pretty cousins in their Easter dresses before dinner!

Grandpa always has a fun egg hunt at his house for the kids. This year there were no easy hiding spots this year, so the adults got in on the fun too. I think there is still one we couldn't find somewhere...
And one for tradition's sake!
I am grateful for Easter and the time it gives me to think of my Savoir. I love Him. I know He lives. And I am thankful for that knowledge. Happy Easter.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Mind the Gap

Logan had lost two teeth next to each other, a because there were gaps between those missing teeth and the ones next to them, now there is a HUGE space right in front! He's still terribly handsome in my humble opinion!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Truck Shirt

This "Monster Truck" shirt is Eli's favorite. He would wear it every day if I let him, and will often come downstairs in the mornings wearing it after digging it out of the laundry basket.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Pop Quiz

Can you tell what movie we've been watching all the time lately, and which character is Logan's favorite? I'll give you a hint: you've probably been watching it too if you have little kids, and this character likes warm hugs:)

Friday, April 11, 2014

Eldredge Family

When all the Eldredge Family was in town for Thanksgiving we had a family pictures taken, and I am so glad we did. Looking around at everyone there it was a little bittersweet to realize it would very likely be the last time every single one of us was together...our oldest nephew Spencer just got his mission call to Spain, and others will be heading off to college, missions, and marriages in the not-so-distant future. How grateful I am to have married into this wonderful family, and how dearly I love all of them!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

She wants a dog

Poor Ali wants a dog so very much, and even though I can empathize because I wanted one so much when I was her age, I just don't want one right now. I don't know if Teo's visits make things easier or harder for her, but she sure does love when he's here.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Eli's Toys

Lately Eli always had a little toy in his hand, and it goes everywhere with him. Every few days the toy of choice changes, but there is always something. To begin with, I wouldn't let him take the toy of the day places with us because I figured he would loose it or that he would get tired of keeping track of it and I would have to, but I have come to trust him when he says he won't loose them and I let him take them everywhere...and we haven't lost one yet. These guys are just a few of the favored toys from the past few weeks.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Spring Break?

On our Spring Break's warmest day we met Korrali and Auntie Lianna at Riverwalk in Naperville. It was a balmy forty degrees. And sadly that felt warmish to us. Spring is really welcome anytime. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Spring Break = Paige

Our niece and cousin Paige was visiting from Ohio for her spring break, which unfortunately wasn't the same week as Emily and Ethan's spring break, but that was great for us because it meant we got to spend lots of time with her! She is so sweet and fun with my kids, and was such a big help entertaining them! We miss you already, Paige! Come again soon!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Mr. Mustache

Mustache, anyone?