Friday, May 31, 2019

School's Out!

Jake was the first to be done with school this year, since we moms like to end a bit early because of how crazy end of school time can be! This this the group we did it with (minus one mom and kid--he was sick!).
Our cute little graduate!
A couple of weeks later it was these guys' turn! So big!
I got invited to attend their end of year assembly because Ali and Logan were BOTH chosen to read a poem they submitted at the assembly (only four kids from the whole grade got to do that)! Pretty cool, guys!

We have a tradition of doing an ice cream party with all the kids from our bus stop on the last day of school and we got to host this year!
These are the awesome moms I get to chat with every morning. We've become a great support system to each other through a particularly tough year for a couple of them. I am thankful for good friends and will miss seeing them every morning!
Let the fun begin!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Logan loves to play chess, so he's trying to convince Eli it's fun...not sure Eli agrees.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Bulletin Board

Jake loves his bulletin board and wants to put every creation he makes on it.
This is the first picture Jake has drawn that looked like what he said it was...a ghostie of course (he loves and talks about "ghosties" all the time).

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Mother's Day

We're lucky to have these kids!

Friday, May 24, 2019


The Riverwalk never gets old. We love it there. We spent an hour or so there one lovely spring day the big kids had off school (back in April).

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Blackberry Farm

Jake LOVES Blackberry Farm. In the past we've taken advantage of their free days to go, but since he loves it so much, we decided to buy him a membership for his birthday so we could go more often and be there when it's less crowded. We've had it for a month and have already almost gotten our money's worth out of it, and have enjoyed every trip. One day Jason had off of work, so we BOTH took him... Jason and I couldn't remember the last time (or has it ever happened?) that the two of us took one of our kids somewhere! Jake loved showing his Daddy all his favorite things.

Another day Jake and I got there right when it opened and he was able to ride the horses (his absolute favorite thing to do there) three times right in a row! No lines! That right there (and this face!) made the membership worth it.

Monday, May 20, 2019

End of the Year

We've been busy attending end of the year things for this kids. Logan and Ali presented the posters they made of the college they hope to go to someday: BYU!

Eli had a performance with his Drama Club. He went to school early every Tuesday all year long for this club and had fun trying something new. His part in the show was a teacher, can't you tell?
Ali and Logan also had a musical showcase: all the fifth graders worked in groups to compose their own songs. Pretty cool! Ali and Logan also worked at the school store this year, each of them spending one Friday morning a month before school selling vital items to their peers.
Jake and I finished up Joy School a couple of weeks before the other kids finished school. We had a good year with these fun boys (and one fun girl who wasn't there the last time I taught).
Great school years all around!

Friday, May 17, 2019

Feed My Starving Children

I recently got called to be the cub scout committee chair, and as part of that calling I got to go with my kids to Feed My Starving Children, which we did for a pack meeting. It was a cool experince and I was glad I got to be there with them.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Here's what happens

...when I leave Jake and his buddy alone for 30 minutes...They were quite pleased with their nest.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Fortnite Skin

Logan has been working hard to get this skin on Fortnite. Even before he could play the game he would draw this character. He was quite pleased with this great accomplishment.

Monday, May 6, 2019


Ali and Logan got on Xbox for their birthdays and it is very popular around here. Even Jake wanted a turn, so we gave him a remote (without batteries), and he was quite pleased.

Friday, May 3, 2019


Jake has a few shirts with hoods on them, and he wears those hoods up all day long!