Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Our fun Halloween day started with a Joy School Party. Eli is really enjoying having some friends who are totally his--not just the siblings of Ali and Logan's friends (not that we don't love those friends too!).
As per tradition, we went Trick-or-Treating in Grandma and Grandpa's neighborhood with our cousins.
Eli was done after about three houses, and wanted his costume off the second we got home. But here is a close up of our Power Ranger Logan and Bunny Ali.
Ethan and Emily introduced our kids to the fun of sorting and trading candy. This has been repeated over and over again at our house since Halloween night.

And, of course, we got to celebrate Grandma's birthday! Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

By Myself!

"By myself" is a phrase you here a lot from this boy, and mostly I think it is great. I don't remember Ali and Logan being able to dress themselves totally independently before they were three, but Eli does. It often results in backwards pants, shirts, and underwear but he doesn't care and so neither do I. But sometimes, things get really twisted and mixed up, like on Sunday with his button down shirt, and when I offer to help as he gets frustrated he still screams, "BY MYSELF!" I had to wrestle this shirt off him before I could help him put it on right, even after letting him try (and cry) about it for five minutes. How did I get such a stubborn one?

Monday, October 28, 2013


This year the kids all wanted their own Jack-o-Lanterns, and I thought it was cute that they all wanted little pumpkins--because those were the ones they could carry themselves. Daddy did the carving, as always, and Logan was cute in his constant encouragements while he did so: "Doing great, Dad! Ohh, good job, keep up the good work! Perfect, perfect, yep, that's just perfect!" It was so fun to listen to!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Happy Birthday Party

It's a good thing Eli doesn't know any better, because this year he didn't open any presents on his actual birthday. We waited until today for his birthday celebration so that Grandma Quillen could be here for it. The only thing missing from this party was Grandpa Quillen! (And yes, Grandpa, he did ask where you were!) 

We also celebrated my birthday, for which Logan made me a crown to wear like Eli. It was a fun party!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Happy Birthday to ME!

It's tradition to make a wish when you blow out your birthday candle, but I spent my birthday this year being grateful that I already have everything I've always wished for: foremost on that list my wonderful husband and darling children with whom I celebrated my 32nd birthday. I love my life. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Safety Town

We were happy to introduce cousin Korrali, aka Little Red Ridding Hood, to our Safety Town Trick-or-Treating tradition. In some ways the kids love it even more than Halloween itself--it's a couple weeks before the Big Day, you get a lot of goodies in a short amount of time, and it's not as cold since it's earlier in the month and during the day.

Eli didn't remember the particulars of Trick-or-Treating from last year: ie that if you say Trick or Treat people give you candy. It was just about the best thing he'd ever heard, I think. Every single time someone put candy in his bucket, he looked at the candy with wonder and joy:)

Friday, October 18, 2013

Chicago Marathon

Jason's brother Todd came out from North Carolina to run in the Chicago Marathon, so Jason and Amy took their girls downtown to cheer him on!

Look at all the runners! Amazing!
Todd, aka Superman, checking to see if the medal was real. Well deserved, Todd!
Ali looked forward to her downtown adventure with her Daddy all week. She talked non-stop to anyone who would listen about how she was going to ride the train, go to Chi-Knee town (where they were going to wait to see him pass), and have fun snacks Mom was going to pack. The reality was that it was a lot of walking, but she loved spending time with her cousin Emily and being on the train. And being with Daddy. Well done, Todd! And thanks for the good excuse for a fun daddy/daughter date!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Happy Birthday Eli

Three years ago was a good day: Eli became part of our family and we all have been blessed because of him every day since. I am blessed to be his mom and can't wait to see what else life with him will bring. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Halloween Month

What? You only celebrate Halloween on the 31st? What a waste of the other 30 days in October!

Grandma Quillen sent a box of mine and my siblings' old Halloween costumes, and my kids are already making good use of them!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Logan's Kindergarten

Logan's kindergarten teacher emails pictures of their daily happenings about once a week. Sometimes Logan is in them, and sometimes not, but I always love the glimpse into his day. (On a side note, if ever I ask them them something specific about school that I know about because of a note home or these picture emails, they get this look of wonder on their faces and say, "How did you know?!" I kind of love that they think I am omniscient!) I love that in all the pictures, Logan is looking at the camera with is happy smile. This year at school he already seems to be more confident, involved, and social than he ever was in preschool. He's growing up!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Best Friends Forever

Eli told me awhile ago that I was his "best friend forever." We both really are enjoying the time we have one-on-one while the big kids are at school, and it really is helping us have a sweet relationship. He is a funny, happy, silly, kind boy and I love to be around him. I am lucky to be his Mom. He one of my best friends too, and I hope he always is.

These pictures were taken at the arboretum. And have you noticed the fact that Eli is featured on this blog a lot more that Ali and Logan lately? I do try to make it sort of equal, but since I spend about 13 hours a day with Eli and about 4.5 hours with Ali and Logan since school started, I guess that is to be expected...

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Popcorn and a Movie

At least once a week Ali gets off the bus and says, "I have a GREAT idea! Lets make popcorn and watch a movie sitting on the blanket!" How can I resist such enthusiasm?!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Cousins Geneva and Miles

My cousin Geneva and her son Miles came out from Arizona to visit JD's and my families, and it was so much fun! All of my other cousins, relatives, and friends are invited and encouraged to follow her great example:) And of course, when you have guests, you have the excuse you need to go out and do fun things. So one lovely morning, we went to the Arboretum. Ali and Logan were in school, but Eli got to join us and helped us enjoy the day.
They had their Scarecrow competition going on and "Despicable Me" was a popular theme that Eli was thrilled to see!

Come again any time!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Just Like Daddy

Eli likes anything that makes him "just like Daddy." I snapped this picture of the two of them sitting the same way, and the bottom one of Eli sleeping with his knee up and leg crossed over it like Jason does sometimes (how do they sleep like that?).

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Apple Picking

This year the stars finally aligned so that we could join Jason's sister Amy and her wonderful kids on their yearly trip to pick apples. The funny thing is that this will probably be their last year, (the kids told her, "OK, Mom, we'll go if you really want to." Funny to think that at some point the things I do to please my kids will be things they do to make me happy!) but we loved it so much I'm sure we'll go again next year. It's like they passed the tradition on to the younger generation:)

It was a perfectly beautiful, warm, sunny day. All my kids loved the tractor ride out to the orchards. Logan insisted on riding it back to the barn too even though waiting for the tractor and the actual ride took longer than it took for their cousins to just walk back:) It was fun to see the small trees and get to eat some apples right there in the orchard. The kids filled their bags in about half and hour and then they were more than ready to leave. So, not a long event, but it sure was fun!