Friday, June 30, 2017

St George

This summer we drove out to Utah and Colorado to spend some time with our parents and the kids' grandparents. We enjoyed visiting Jason's mom in St George. We spent some time at this great park:

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


Ali was getting headaches a lot so we went to the eye doctor. He said that he rarely ever sees eyes as stressed as hers in one so young ("Law students who study 16 hours a day, sure, but not usually nine-year-olds!") but I assured him it made total sense to me! This was the stack of books she checked out from the library the other day, and she had them all read in a little more than a week (a week when she was in school)!
We anxiously awaited the day the glasses would be ready to pick up and finally it came! She looks awesome in her glasses, and even better can read now without getting headaches! (Even knowing reading was what was giving her headaches couldn't stop her reading; I watched her reading one evening rubbing her head because it ached as she did!)

Sunday, June 25, 2017


Logan asked for the game Battleship and I'm super nice so he got it on a random weekend. We all have been having a great time with it ever since!

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Ali's Activity Club

Ali created an Activity Club (complete with sign up sheet in the hall announcing it's inception, times and dates) that Eli and I readily joined (Logan was at scouts). At our first meeting we drew and wrote about our favorite book and then presented our projects to each other, and the next was a movie and popcorn night, which Jake happily joined in on.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Future Art Teacher

Currently, Eli wants to be an art teacher when he grows up. He told his art teacher that and she encouraged him to draw every day to hone his skills, and he has taken her advice very seriously. He would come home from school every day and draw (and has continued into the summer), happy as can be.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

New Tree

Last Spring we planted a bunch of bushes in our backyard that pretty much all became bunny food (arg!), so here are the kids helping their dad with round two!

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Baby Bunnies

I came home one day to see four bunnies in the front yard. I'm not a huge fan of these well-fed (off my landscaping) bunnies, so I went to chase them away only to realize one couldn't hop away because she was right about to have her babies, and the other three were true friends who wouldn't go far in her time of need and kept bravely coming back. So instead of making them leave, we admired their bravely and loyalty and watched as the momma gave birth, licked her babies a couple times (at which point another of the bunnies came up to her and observed, the proud papa I assume), and then they all four hopped away. We saw the little black newborn bunnies and we had to admit it was pretty cool.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Lovey and Pacifier

Lovey (which he calls "night night") and pacifier (which he calls "this") are two beloved items that are only supposed to be used at certain times and places, but sometimes they get liberated and then the chase is on to get them back (and sometimes that happy face makes it very hard to take them away!).

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Tee Shirts

Logan loves the shirts his grandmothers sent him when he was doing his research on Utah.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Library Stairs

Jake loves the stairs at the library even more than the toys or books there!