Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Into the Woods

Eli's school band and choir got tickets to Into the Woods. I decided to tag along and brought Ali along too! We had dinner across the street at a pretty fancy wedding reception-like location and then walked over to enjoy the show.

The tickets were much cheaper, and much closer, than tickets I was looking at before this opportunity came up. Lucky us!

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Technology Time

Perhaps the most oft-broken rule in our house is the one that says they're not supposed to watch each others' technology time. See, he knows what I'm going to say, too. They all do it.

Monday, February 20, 2023

Reading to Rover

The library sometimes has dogs for kids to read to, and so of course Jake had to try it out.

Friday, February 17, 2023


Ali's eyes looked so blue this morning, I had to take a picture. It doesn't really do they eyes justice, but she's so pretty I had to keep the picture.

Monday, February 13, 2023

New Eliptical

We finally retired our squeaky elliptical and bought a new one. Eli helped his dad put it all together!
And Jake enjoyed the box and the styrofoam it arrived in.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Seattle Trip

My cousin Geneva decided that our many years of not seeing each other needed to end, and offered to fly me out for a visit for a weekend. I was honored and gladly accepted the invitation! So I got to spend the weekend in Seattle feeling very loved and spoiled. Michael and Stephanie even drove 3.5 hours each way to spend the day with us! It was a lovely weekend.
One of Geneva's friends joined us as we ate our way through Pike Place Market on an amazingly mild and sunny day. 
We stopped by the Space Needle so I could say I saw it.
And sought out the Market's famous flowers and fish throwers.
We also took a moment to "enjoy" the gum wall...

Elena lives not too far from Geneva, so I got to spend a couple of days with her too!
It was a lovely trip.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023


Logan joined track at his High School after the Christmas break- and he's been LOVING it. He loves getting to use the weight room daily, and is pleased to be participating in a sport in which you can see personal improvements so clearly.

It was a big lifestyle change going from a fairly stationary kid to running and exercising daily. At the beginning, and before we got him good shoes, his knees and ankles hurt him a lot so he'd often do his homework while icing them. But with new shoes, and a stronger body, he hasn't been having pains like that anymore, thankfully!
Looking Good!

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Bar Mitzvah

My cousin Michelle moved to the area about a year ago. We've really enjoyed getting to know her family, including her stepson Liam who recently celebrated his Bar Mitzvah. We loved getting to experience all that goes with that; Liam did a great job, and Michelle and Lindsay threw him an amazing party after.
I loved getting to see Michelle's sisters- my cousins Sharisse and Aimee- for the first time in many years!
And we learned that Jake loves to dance!

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Her Door

Ali continues to add drawings to her door and walls. I love them all.