Wednesday, June 29, 2016


The kids build something in the family room they didn't want Jake getting into so they corralled him in the corner with his toys...I don't think he appreciated it!

Monday, June 27, 2016

Pretty Ali

Ali and a friend got ahold of my camera and took a bunch of pictures, not something I usually love, but I did love this sweet picture of my girl.

Saturday, June 25, 2016


Sometimes it is more fun to play with the game pieces than to play the actual game.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Eli Buddy

Jake and I sure enjoyed our time just the three of us this last school year and we will sure miss Eli next year when he goes to kindergarten! (These pictures are from one of the last school days this spring.)

Monday, June 20, 2016

Daddy is home!

Between work and church we don't see this wonderful man as much as we'd like (though, really, could we ever get enough?) and so we are all so glad when he is here!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Window Artist

Ali got a window art kit for her birthday and she has been loving it. She has been very generous with her creations, so all of our windows are works of art these days, but none quite as much as her own!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Clean Up Crew

Jake drops food off of his try when he is eating, but I think it is just his silly way of saving it for later because as soon as I wash him off and put him down on the floor he scoots right over and eats it before I clean it up!

Monday, June 13, 2016


We had one of those rare cool summer days that demand to be spent at the park, so to the park we went! I took Jake to the swings and when I came back Logan had all but disappeared! Makes me look forward to our beach vacation even more!

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Handsome Eli

This picture is from an end of the year field trip and I think he looks so handsome in it! What a photogenic boy Eli is!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


I gave Jake raisins for a snack the other day; he gobbled them up and then grabbed the container off the counter, pulled it onto his tray, and continued eating them by the handful. I think he likes them!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Fudge for FHE

After many, many frustrating FHEs I decided to try something new and printed off a chart that gave everyone a job (prayer, song, lesson, treat, activity) and since then we've had a couple of really great, seemingly unattainable, textbook FHEs! Everyone was happy, engaged, and reverent! I relearned the fact that it seems like to have a successful event with my kids, I need to prepare for about as long beforehand as the event itself is (if FHE lasts about half and hour, I should prepare for about half an hour). This will probably only work for awhile until I need to tweak it again, but we'll enjoy it while it lasts!

Anyway, on this day Logan had treat and asked to make fudge. When it was done and I got it out to cut it, he asked in all seriousness if he could just have the whole thing by himself! (The glasses were the ones we got for his 100 year old man costume on 100 day and he still sometimes wears them randomly which I love.)

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Last Day of School

Logan and Ali had their last day of second grade on May 20 and Eli had his last day of preschool on May 25, so we're full into summer already! But here are the pictures.

Logan on the first day and then the last (wearing the same shirt both day; it's still his fav!):

Ali on the first day and then the last (she wanted to have her last day picture by the flowers!):

Eli on the first and then the last (so excited on the first and so proud on the last!):

Eli with his great teachers. On one of this report cards these teachers of 20+ years wrote, "Eli is the most well-mannered kid I've eve met. He is the nicest and sweetest child ever." How can you not love someone who thinks those kinds of things about you kid? Ali's Mrs. Maddox and Logan's Mrs. King were great too, and we appreciate all they learned this year! Happy Summer!