Monday, December 31, 2018

A Year of (Mostly Jake) Funnies

Eli: I like our house, but I especially like it when it smells like brownies!

Eli: She’s wearing a tater top.
Me: A what? Oh, a tank top.
Eli: Yep, I like to call them tater tops.

Me: I love you Logan.
Logan: Thanks.

Eli: Why do movies always end that way, with people kissing?! Yuck!

When I’m helping Jake say the blessing on the food and prompt him to say, “please bless it,” he often says, “please breakfast,” 

Eli picked up a craft/activity book and a bunch of half cut up pieces of paper fell out and he says, “Now that’s what I call a scrapbook!”

Eli looked at my hair this morning, giggled, and said, “Your hair looks like a tsunami!”

While watching Frozen Eli asked what a “fixer-upper” was, and then he spent the rest of the afternoon singing the song with his own revised lyrics: “I’m a bit of a fixer-upper, I’ve got some problems but I am great!”

Eli: My favorite day of the week is Saturday, and Sunday, and Monday, and Thursday...actually I like every day.

Jake will often tell me things he likes, but he always tacks on “too” at the end of the sentence, like he’s agreeing with someone rather than stating a fact (“I like books too,” or “I like ice cream too,”). For some reason I find it adorable and it makes me smile every time.

Jake calls the movie “chicken little” (a current favorite) something that sounds like “bunny caught.” Not sure how I figured that one out, but I’m pretty sure it qualifies me for super mom status (at least for today).

Jake: Ooh look, clouds! I like clouds too!” (The clouds were exhaust coming from cars!)

Me: Logan, sometimes I just can’t win with you.
Logan: That’s true.

If Jake happens to see Jason at church he will tell him, “Have a good day!”

When Jake wants me to chase him he says, "Come get us!"

Eli: When I grow up I’m going to be a leprechaun.

Jake has started telling me when he’s “not happy,” just in case I couldn’t figure it out from all his other two-year-old clues.

Eli: Do I have to go to school today? I’ve already learned a lot!

Logan: I could put arrowheads on my pinewood derby car; that would make it aerodynamic!

All around town I hear from Jake, “Go dogs, go, the light is green now!” and “Stop dogs, stop! The light is red now!” Thanks PD Eastman; you’ve made my two-year-old a back seat driver and me a dog!

Eli: I think I’m allergic to something at school, I keep achooing a lot there.

Me: Logan, you need a haircut. Your neck hairs are getting out of control.
Logan: I like my neck hairs; they make me manly.

Me: Jake, stop standing on our chair rungs!
Eli: Two rungs don’t make a right!

Eli: When Jake gets older he be a more sneaky stealer. When I was little like him you could always tell when I stealed things, but when I got a little older-nope!”

Alison: It was deeper than an Abraham Lincoln!

Me to Jake: You can watch that when the kids go to the bus in ten minutes.
Jake (immediately): Kids! Time for the bus!

If you ask Jake if he’s a baby, he’ll point to his nose and say, “No, I’m Jakey!” My baby is three!

Eli: Everyone in my class, their mom makes their lunch!
Me: Aren’t you glad you’re responsible enough to make your own?
Eli: Arg (eye roll).

Jake knows how much I dislike snakes so whenever he finds one in a book or a toy he asks me what it is (knowing what the answer will be) and then he always says, “Snake, yes, sorry mommy.”

Jake: What’s that?
Me: A mummy.
Jake: No, that’s not a mommy! It’s a monster!

Jake: I want some letters candy! 
Me: Sure you can have some M&Ms

Jake unrolled a whole roll of toilet paper and was then told never to do it again because it makes me crazy. Now every time we’re in the bathroom (and when you’re potty training that’s often) Jake points to the roll and says, “Mommy’s crazy! Now mommy’s happy!”

Jake: What are you eating?
Me: Mini wheats.
Jake: Can I have some mommy wheats?

Jake calls wolves owls (because they say “awoo!”...makes sense to me!)

Jake: Where does the poo go?
Me: To the sewers.
Jake: Yes, to the sauers, to the dinosaurs! Go to the dinosaurs poo!
(Now sometimes when we go into the bathroom he says he’s going to see the dinosaurs!)

One of Eli’s Mother’s Day notes said, “I love you because you do everything.” That about sums it up!

Jake: Mommy is a BIG boy!

You know your three-year-old has older siblings when he says, “Fine!” with all the attitude of a preteen when he’s annoyed.

Jake never just says he wants something, he always says, “I want NEED (something)!”

Eli: I got to the part in my book with the ghost!
Jake: It’s the Holy Ghost!
Eli: Um, no.

Me to Jake: You’re just the biggest boy.
Jake: Nope, I’m just a little guy.

Alison: Mom! Dad’s being weird! (Happy birthday, Jason!)

When Jake is tired of walking he will say, “Mom, I want need a snuggle!” Smart boy! I could easily resist if he asked me to carry him, but who can resist a snuggle?!

Looking at the pile of library books he just checked out, Jake giggled and said, “Books is best!”

For some reason Jake frequently says, “It’s not a scary ghost, it’s a happy ghost!” And now he uses that phrase for all sorts of things: “It’s not a scary basement, it’s a happy basement,” and so on. I’ve heard him say it about dogs, bathrooms, cars, and more.

Me: (In a public restroom) Eew this toilet is gross.
Jake: Mommy, silly people pee too.

If Jake doesn’t want to do something he will say “it’s dirty” or “it’s sticky.” He has said it recently about naps, dinner, and the store.

Jake asked me to read him something and when I did he said, “Mommy, I’m so proud you could read that!”

Jake: Can we have pancakes?
Me: Not today.
Jake: O-oh, but pancakes are so cute!

Jake: Mommy, can I have that cookie? It’s so, so beautiful!

Eli: Stop talking fancy! Use kid language so I can understand you!

Jake has asked every day this week if it is time to go trick-or-treating yet. He comes by his love for holidays natural, considering I’ve already bought several Christmas presents

Whenever I tell Jake “no” about something he will ask again and then add, “Yes or no?” Like he’s reminding me there is an option other than “no.” 

Jake, who loves Scooby Doo, The Lord of the Rings, and A Christmas Carol, won’t watch Thomas the Train because the trains are “creepy.”

When Jake wants something to eat that he’s pretty sure I’ll say no if he asks, he becomes all reasonable and says, “Can I maybe just have ONE cookie/piece of candy/donut/etc?”

Jake to me: “You’re making dinner AGAIN?! That doesn’t make any sense.” I agree!

When people ask Jake how he is, he must hear “who” because every time he says, “I’m Jakey!”

When Jake is annoyed with me he says, “Esh!” As in a word, not a sound. If he’s extra annoyed he changes it to “Esh-a!”

Jake: Mommy, your watch has a clock on it!

Jake: Mommy don’t forget your person! (Purse)

Jake: Mommy, your belly is like a slide. I like it!

Jake was looking in the fridge for something to eat and said these two sentences with no pause, as though they were related: “I want yogurt. I’m afraid of bats.”

Looking at the sign on the women’s bathroom door Jake said, “M. That spells ‘bathroom’!”

Jake kept telling me all morning to “focus, Mommy.” 

Jake calls everything Mr Whatever. Often that makes some sense, like Mr Dinosaur or Mr Car or Mr Daddy, but sometimes it’s Mr Mommy or Mr Girl or Mr Jackie and then it makes me laugh.

We went for a walk to look at the Halloween decorations in our neighborhood and I hear Jake giving himself this pep talk, “It’s ok, Jakey, you can be brave. Be brave.”  He’s had quite a love/hate relationship with Halloween this year; he can’t get enough of it, but it also scares him a bit.

When I ask Jake to do something he doesn’t want to, he will often say, “I’m too busy, Mommy.”

Me: Jake, put your shoes on your feet.
Jake: No, Mommy, I’m going to put them on my socks!

Jake: I want some juice.
Me: How about some milk?
Jake: No, milk is for cows.

Jake: What color are my eyes?
Me: Blue.
Jake: No, they’re blue, black and white!

On a week night Jason comes down the stairs in a suit and Jake says, “You’re going to church AGAIN?!” Seriously, though, I’m grateful for my husband who serves faithfully and tirelessly and the example that is to our kids; even the littlest one notices.

Jake: You’re my best friend, mom.

Jake to me: Good job writing your name, Mommy! You’re such a big boy!

Jake (to me): Are you a mom or a girl?
Me: Both.
Jake: Both?! That’s funny; you’re just a mommy.

Jake: Mom, can I have some more strawberries?
Me: No.
Jake: “You can!” Say THAT mom!

Jake: Can I play with these?
Me: Those are for when we go to church.
Jake: Can we go to church?

When we are all having a family conversation Jake will often say, “It’s my turn to talk!” And when we all quite down to listen to him he always says, “The volcano erupted all the people!” So random!

Me: I’m going to go exercise.
Jake: I’m going to stay here (he was lounging on the couch watching a movie) and exercise like this (and he wiggles his eyebrows).

Jake: I’m going to help make your heart happy (and then he gives me a hug).

Jake: I need some chompstick (chapstick).

Jake: What’s that smell?
Me: Exhaust.
Jake: Yes, egg sauce. Yuck.

Eli: The funny thing about the living room and the dining room is that I always think people are saying the living room and the DYING room!

The TV show stalled and the “thinking” circle was going around and around. I said, “Why is it thinking?” And Jake said, “It’s thinking about Jesus.”

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Nice December

We had a fairly mild December, with enough sunny, no wind days in the 30s or 40s that the boys even got to go outside to toss the football sometimes!

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas!

Christmas was, as always, much anticipated and much fun. It was always exciting to see where "The Evies" as Jake called them (Evie the Elf and Mistletoe his Reindeer) were each morning. They were sure creative this year! Here they are sledding:
Stuck outside:
And on a horse-drawn carriage ride:
Christmas Eve we made sugar cookies for Santa (and us!)
And acted out the Nativity:
I didn't get any pictures on Christmas morning, but rest assured the kids were properly spoiled and happy. We had several sincere offerings of thanks which make it all worth it. We are thankful beyond words for our Savior who is the reason for the season and without whom none of this would matter. Merry Christmas, one and all!

Monday, December 24, 2018


On November 23, 2014 we started reading the Book of Mormon a certain way (one verse each, explaining what it meant after we read it and trying to have a bit of discussion now and then; the years before that we tried several other different methods but this is the one we've stuck with since that date) and on December 24, 2018 we finished! All that time we read "regularly" (probably at least five times a week but seldom all seven days), for a year or two reading in the morning before Jason went to work, but for the last year or two at dinner time. It's fun to think of all the change in that time: when we started we had two six-year-olds, one four-year-old and no Jake. We went from emerging readers and a non reader to three proficient readers who are comfortable with the language of the scriptures and one who loves to parrot what we tell him to say. Some days were better than others, but we stuck with it and I'm proud of us!

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Christmas Spirit

Two cute kids dressed up for the last day of school before break (Alison had planned her "reindeer" outfit very carefully over the course of several days).
And two handsome men with Santa Ties for Christmas Sunday.

Thursday, December 20, 2018


We got to see Santa at our ward Christmas party.
Jake was so pleased to meet him!
Even my big kids humored their mom and sat on his lap for a picture and to tell him what they want for Christmas.
It's getting close!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Joy School Nativity

Jake's cute little Joy School group practiced and practiced acting out the nativity story and then went and performed it at a local nursing home. Jake got to be the angel who appeared to Mary and a Shepard. 

After the show this one lady wanted to love on the kids, and sweet Jake was happy to oblige.
What a bunch of cuties.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Christmas Street

We love visiting the Christmas Street every year. It is a fun tradition. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Snow Days

We kind of skipped Fall this year, which is a bummer, but the good thing about it has been the snow that the kids have so enjoyed. The first snow fall was only a couple of inches but that didn't stop them from playing in it!
They were so impressive building this huge snow fort by carting snow from all over the yard in sleds and buckets.
And Jake was so proud of this snowman he made with his dad. The rest of the snow melted, but the snowman froze and stayed for a week or more! It was pretty funny seeing no snow anywhere except for this snowman in our yard!
The Monday after Thanksgiving we got a lot of snow and school was cancelled. The kids have The Best Mom Ever who took them sledding. It was Jake's first time and he was so brave to go down the big hill and get back up and try again the few times he tumbled off the sled. He thanked me for taking them "sledding down the big, big hill," every day for about a week after.

Snow isn't my favorite thing, but seeing my kids happy is.

Sunday, December 9, 2018


Logan recently discovered the music of Elvis and he is hooked. He has a sign on his door that states non-Elvis fans may not enter, and drew this amazing portrait of him. I love this boy and his passions.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Harry Potter

Alison's reading the Harry Potter series and I'm so happy! I've been waiting for the day that she would start pulling my favorite books off the shelves to read! And there are so many good ones she doesn't even know about yet! Eeek!

Thursday, December 6, 2018


Ali and I wanted to follow President Nelson's counsel to go to the temple more frequently, so she and I went up on Saturday together. I had the sealing of a dear friend to her deceased husband to attend, and she sat in the waiting room reading and watching videos.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Carzy Hair Day

The longer the hair, the more fun Crazy Hair Day can be!

Saturday, December 1, 2018


Jake and I went downtown with some of our good friends the Clarks and the Rays. We went to the Christkindlemark first and then to the Lincoln Park Conservatory. All the kids did great in the car and we all had such a fun day.

The Conservatory was so pretty, and we loved the room they did up especially for Christmas that was full of poinsettias and amazing trains running through the whole area.
He was so excited every time the trains came by.

Best buddy Scotty.
Another best friend, Mommy.

It's fun to see downtown all dressed up for Christmas.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Movie Buddies

What's more fun than going to the movies? Going with friends!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Family Home Evening

When it was her turn to teach the lesson for Family Home Evening, Alison decided she wanted to teach about the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 with five loaves of bread and two fishes. She then decided to sew five loaves and two fishes for visual aids! What a cool kid!

Sunday, November 25, 2018


When we were redecorating Eli's room I was looking around for some art to put on his walls when it occured to me that HE loves to be an artist. So instead of art I got a big bulliten board with the hopes that it would be a fun place for him to display his creations, and I've loved seeing that vision come to pass.

Thursday, November 22, 2018


For Thanksgiving we went to Jason's sister Amy's house and enjoyed a lovely day of food, family, and fun. I sure am grateful for these people I get to call family.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Joyschool Field Trip

We took a field trip to Cantigny with Jake's Joyschool group so we could do their tractor ride. Jake and I love to do that each year, and it was fun to share our tradition with our friends!

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Logan reading

Logan has discovered a few series of books he loves and has been reading more and more for the pure joy of it. Alison introduced Logan to a book series called Amulet and he couldn't wait to see what happened in the next one in the series. He requested it from their school library as soon as it was released and devoured it when he got home from school. He even gave up his coveted first slot to play Roblox to keep reading!

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Conference Puzzles

Our sweet friends shared some of their conference traditions with us, one of which is doing puzzles while watching, and they gave us this fun Halloween puzzle. The five of us pictured spent most of two sessions working on this beauty and had so much fun seeing the finished product.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

New Cub Scout

Turing 8 also means we have another cub scout in the family! Cute kid.