Friday, December 30, 2016

A Year of Funnies

This year's funnies are mostly provided by Eli. When your older two are getting so big and the youngest can't talk, that's what you get. Good thing the boy is funny!

Eli: Mom, I like you and snow better than anything else.

I'm reading a book where five boys compete for the right to be the husband of one girl. I was telling Ali about it and how whichever boy won, the girl had to marry him, even if she didn't know or like him. She said, "But what if he's awful, like if he picks his nose all day long?!"

Ali: You're the perfect mom for me. Jesus chose right when He sent me to your family!

Eli: There might really be monsters in the world because if someone who doesn't like people catches a leprechaun that person might wish for a real monster.

My kids' favorite game lately is "Jakey tag" which is when one of the kids is "It" and runs (while holding Jake) to tag the others. This baby is so lucky that his siblings are still so smitten with him, as much or more even than the first day they met him!

Eli: I feel like an old man, and I'm walking like one too. (He had shots today in his leg and now he's sore.)

Eli: In real life mommies always know where things are.

Logan: What do you get when you cross an elephant and Darth Vader? An elevator!

Eli: There were a lot of strangers in my church class today. It was annoying. (Our ward had it's boundaries changed and today was the first day with the new ward.)

Logan: Jakey came to our family at just the right time to get lots and lots of love.

Logan to me: "You're perfection!"
And what brought on such a compliment, you ask? Me telling him they were having Kraft macaroni and cheese for dinner.

Me: Look at all the birds at our bird feeder!
Eli: Those are Eli birds.
Me: Really? Why are they called Eli birds?
Eli: Because they're hungry all the time like I am.

Eli: We have to keep Jake safe; he's the only baby we have!

Ali: I'm going to keep a journal, like in Dork Diaries (a series of books she's reading). But I'm not calling it the Dork Diaries because, of course!, I'm not a dork! I'm calling mine the Fab Life!

Writing Prompt: Who is worth more to you than gold?
Ali's Answer: My mom and dad are worth more than gold. My mom even got me born!

Eli: This seatbelt is too tight! I'm gonna pop!

Happy first birthday Jake! Logan decided this morning we should nickname him Scooter because rather then crawling he scoots around on his bum (cutest thing ever!). 

Eli: If you ever go to mars don't take off your helmet! Your face would turn to ice if you did.
Me: Yeah, and then you'd die.
Eli: No, you'd just be very cold.

Eli: Grandpa is bald... (pause) Aliens are bald...

Eli was trying to order me around and Ali said to him, "She's not Princess Leia, or I mean Cinderella..." You can tell which kind of movies reign around here!

Eli: You know what I like to do? Eat.

Eli: I like baths because after a bath you are all shiny like a hero. Or like a star. I bet stars always take a bath before a show to help them be shiny.

Me: That's a marsh. 
Eli: Yep, and sometimes martians live there.

Eli: watch me do kabobs! (He means bobs, ducking your head all the way under water)

Eli: Moms don't run! (That may not be a true statement for many of you moms, but his shock at seeing ME run was valid!)

Eli: Mom, you look weird in the morning.

Logan: I'm not gold and this is not the gold rush, so stop rushing me!

Logan: I don't need to worry, it's a mom's job to worry.

Eli: I want to look nice today so will you put some jello in my hair?

I have a secret admirer. I keep finding sweet notes all around the house signed "from your secret admirer." Since they all begin by saying, "dear mom," Jason has decided not to be jealous of this young man who, though a bit younger than me, is quite handsome and very sweet.

Eli: Everyone in my class likes me because my name starts with a letter in the alphabet.

Logan: That gas cost $23,456!
Jason: That is a decimal, not a comma. So it was $23.45
Logan: Oh! Whew!

Me: Can you not hear me or are you just ignoring me? 
Eli: I'm ignoring you!

Eli: What are three musketeers?
Me: They were soldiers who were friends who fought together and helped each other.
Eli: Hey, that's like us! We are the six musketeers!

I'm officially declaring Jake's first word a tie between "mama" and "no." And really, what more does a baby need to be able to say?

Eli:I know why we say "Merry Christmas!" It's because Jesus's mom's name was Mary!

Eli: I like it when the moon is small like that. It makes me think of Jesus smiling down on us.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Father Daughter House

The Activity Day girls had a father daughter gingerbread house making night, and Ali and her dad made a pretty sweet house:)

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas!

What a wonderful Christmas season we had! We loved the lights (even Jake would "Ohh" and "Ahh" when we were out at night), the music, the treats, the gift buying, everything! And it all culminated in a great Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. 

On Christmas Eve we acted out the nativity with Ali as Mary, Eli as an angel, Jake as a shepard, and Logan as both a wise man and inn keeper. Daddy was Joseph but he didn't have his costume on an hour before the reenactment like these cute actors did, so missed out on the picture!
After a yummy dinner with Aunt Amy, Uncle Steve and Grandma, we said our final goodbye to Evie for the year with notes and many farewells:
And put out cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer:
Christmas Morning was so much fun, with kids happy with their loot. Ali's much anticipated hatchimal did not disappoint!
Logan loved his drone and hex bug robots.
Eli was pleased with the lego guys he asked Santa for and his abominable snowman toy.
Jake knew just what toy was for him and, even better, actually played with it!
Ali loved the face painting kit she got and so for a few days most of us had awesome creations to show off.
Eli got the coolest Star Wars Lego set from Grandma and he and I sat at the table for about four hours putting it together. He did most of it himself; I would just have a small correction or adjustment to point out every ten steps or so. I was impressed with how cheerfully and patiently he stuck with it till the end. I also spent about two hours with Ali sewing a little puppy from a kit that she got and Jason spent many hours with Logan figuring out his new drone (and getting it down from a neighbor's tree and another neighbor's back yard...) Much fun!
Logan and Eli loved the sweaters they got from Grandma Quillen and have pretty much been wearing them nonstop for two weeks. Like everyone from his generation, Logan loves selfies. 
We love Christmas! Only 364 days till the next one!

Friday, December 23, 2016

Grandma's In Town!

Grandma Eldredge came to visit for Christmas and it was so great to have her here for all the fun!
One thing she wanted to be sure to do while she was here was go to Portillo's for dinner. Done!
And we got to share with her and our cousins our new favorite Christmas Tradition: going to see this awesome Christmas street that tells the story of the nativity.

Jake was glad to have another reader:)
Come again soon!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

All Ready

We went to go see some Christmas lights and Ali had to get herself and her dog all ready.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Clean up

The other day Jake got the dust pan, picked up a crumb and put it in the pan, and then dumped it in the trash! Now, if we could just teach him not to throw the crumbs on the floor in the first place...

Saturday, December 17, 2016


I wanted to go to the circus, so I took some of my best friends with me!
All around the main stage was ice, so some of the things they usually do at the circus (walking on stilts, doing flips and acrobatic tricks, etc) were made even cooler because they were doing them on skates on the ice!
Some of our favorite parts were seeing the girls in the balls high in the air and people doing tricks on the horses:
The acrobats:
The dogs (guess whose favorite that was?):
The big cats:
And the motorcycles in the cage (eight at once!):
It was so much fun!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Conga Line

Cute Ali was helping keep Jake out of the street and turned it into a fun game. Can you hear her, "cha, cha, cha!"?

Monday, December 12, 2016

Play dough

Play dough has made a comeback around here, and Eli especially is enjoying it.

Friday, December 9, 2016


Once again this year, Logan was the last kid at the kid table. He takes his Thanksgiving dinner seriously.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Cubs Won

It was pretty exciting to live in Chicago when the Cubs won the world series for the first time in 108 years. Jason's brother Todd flew his family out last minute to be there for the celebration parade, Amy and her girls played hooky to be there, and Jason was there for his normal work day.
This was Jason's view of the parade from his office.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Following the Baby

Sometimes the baby does things that look fun enough for the big kids to join in:)

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Flag Football

Logan enjoyed playing flag football again this fall. His team this year, the Vikings, won every single one of their games! Pretty different than last year where his team lost every single one! We told him that both of those situations are pretty rare and that if he plays again next year, they will probably win some and lose some! 

Logan practiced a lot this season with his dad and even sometimes with me. Between all the practices and some awesome football gloves, he really improved both his catching and throwing. Well done, Logan!