Saturday, March 31, 2012


So, we have a climber in the family. I would have been fine never having a climber, but I'll admit it was really interesting watching the process. I used to brush Eli's teeth with him sitting on the counter, but he obviously noticed that Ali and Logan stand on the stool in the bathroom when I brush their teeth, so one day when it was his turn for teeth brushing he climbed up on the stool. As he looked around I could see him thinking, "Hey, I can reach more from up here!" Soon thereafter he noticed that the stool in the kitchen has two steps, and for a couple of days he worked on figuring out how to maneuver up and down the steps. Once he mastered that, he started pushing it all around the kitchen to reach whatever he wanted from the counters. Again, I could see him thinking, "Hey! I can reach even more from this stool!" Climbing on and pushing around the kitchen chairs wasn't far behind, and then of course he's tallest of all on the kitchen table.
Our house has been baby proofed for a long time, so mostly this climbing doesn't really bother me. If it makes them happy, for the most part I'm happy. I don't love when he stands on the chairs leaning on the chair back, and I would think he would have learned to stop doing that after he made one fall--giving him a good bonk on the head and breaking one of the rungs on my chair--but no.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

"I'm not tired!"

Why is it that more tired they are the more instant they are that they're not? After this picture, I took Ali upstairs for naps with her screaming all the while that she was "not tired!"

Monday, March 26, 2012

Dr. Seuss

We sure love Ali and Logan's preschool. They are learning so many good things. The other day after a lesson on Dr. Seuss they came home excited to show me their "Cat in the Hat" hats, and then ran right up to their room and found all of their Dr. Seuss books. They even have a Grinch and a Wocket that got to be a part of all the Seuss fun.
And then cute Logan spent the next couple of days making anything and everything into a tail. I love my kids. And I love their school.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Some Things Never Change

Ali about five months old:
Ali about a year old:
Ali about two years old:
Ali three (almost four) years old:
I love the irony of the shirt she's wearing in this last one:)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

So they say

I love these cute boys!
Here are some of the funny things Logan is saying lately:

"I want some called juice/crackers/candy/etc."

"I love you TOO, Mommy," even if he says it first.

"Yes, I'm are," (instead of yes, I am,")

The other day he was sniffing a lot and when I looked at him he said, "I'm smelling my nose." I tried not to laugh and asked what it smelled like. He thought and sniffed some more and said, "Like chicken."

Eli still isn't talking much. His first word was "Hi!' He used to say it "Hi-ya," but now it is just "Hi." He can say "yeah" for yes and "uh-uh" for no. And yesterday Ali was telling him to say "cheese" when she was taking his picture, and to my surprise he did--repeatedly!

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Yesterday was a much anticipated, planned for, and talked about day: Ali and Logan's first friend birthday party! I think the three hours between when I told them "Today's your birthday party day," and when the friends actually arrived may have been the longest three hours of their lives:) Here Ali is showing off how the balloons for the mailbox would make an equally fine hat:
The party theme was Holidays, and as part of that theme the kids were invited to come in costume. This theme evolved from the fact that we bought Logan his Halloween costume for this year the day after Halloween last year-a Spiderman Costume. And he has mentioned how excited he is to wear it about twice a day since we bought it. I thought as a reward for his patience and excitement, we could have a costume party and let him wear it to that too. They put on their costumes first thing in the morning, and I was quite surprised that Logan kept the mask on for a good two hours before deciding that it really was kind of hot with it on, and that he really could see/hear/breathe better without it on:
Ali is not quite as into dressing up as Logan is, so she went back and forth on what she wanted to wear to the party. She finally decided on a butterfly outfit from the costume box. In the two hours before the party, bits of the costume came off: first the crown, then the wand, then the wings, and finally about 10 minutes before the party started the skirt came off too. That's right, she wore no costume to her own costume party.
Cute buddies admiring each others' looks. Logan spent much of the morning trying to convince Ali not to be scared of him: "It's just me, Logan! I'm Spiderman and he's a good guy, Ali! Don't be scared, it's just me Logan!"
We thought it would be fun to have Eli wear his costume too, but he disagreed. Or maybe he was just trying to fly...
As always, he was happier about life once he found lovey and pacifier. But the costume came off shortly after this and never did make it back on.
The kids asked me what costume I was going to wear, so I pulled out my Poodle Skirt from the back of my closet. Ali thought it needed a hat to finish off the look. I can't tell you how much Logan loved being Spiderman. He told me again how much he loved it today and I said, "And you were the CUTEST Spiderman ever!" He responded, "No, Mom. I wasn't cute, I was COOL!" When did my kids get so big-kid sounding?
Not too surprisingly, all our cute girls came dressed as princesses (OK, one is Tinker Bell, but fairies are princess-like):
And all the boys were Super Heroes. Captain America kept on his shield the entire two hours, and Batman kept on his mask on the whole time too. Talk about commitment. I guess you never know when a bad guy might show up:)
All of our games centered on a different holiday: Valentine making, Leprechaun Says (like Simon Says), Pin the Tail on the Easter Bunny, Sparklers for the 4th of July, Toss the ball through the Jack-o-Lantern (I was supper proud of how my Jack-o-lantern turned out), and decorating a Christmas Tree shaped rice crispy treat.
The sparklers were a big hit. Poor Logan managed to burn his finger on one of his. As sad as I was about that (the poor little man carried around an ice bag the rest of his party, and in fact for the rest of the day), I was glad it was my son that got injured and not someone elses! And we thought we were being to careful!
It was so cute watching them open presents. All their friends were so excited to hand them the gifts they brought and were almost as anxious to see what the birthday kids got as Ali and Logan were. So sweet.
No big surprise, the pinata was a definite highlight. They all took turns hitting it with our little plastic bats, and then Daddy took a few turns. He managed to bend the bat before denting the pinata, so he took off his shoe and used that. The kids found that hilarious and were thrilled when it worked!
Just like when I was a kid, we gathered up all the candy and toys from the pinata, put it in a pile and then let them pick equal amounts of what they wanted.
The other big hit of the party was the scavenger hunt for the cake. This was another staple of my birthday parties as a kid, but I had to adapt it to non-readers. I drew pictures of where the next clue picture was hidden. We were searching for the cakes. They were so cute running up and down the stairs, yelling "Yay!" when someone found the clue, and being so proud to tell me when they found the cakes for me! Whew, good thing we had some good searchers or these fantastic cakes wouldn't have been eaten:)
When asked what kind of cakes they wanted Ali said a pink one and Logan said a sun one. When I asked again Ali added that hers should be a Princess cake and Logan added that his needed a road and cars. I stopped asking after that because I could see the trend going on here: more complex each time. Knowing my skills as a cake decorator are limited, I bought some decorations for the cakes. Ali's was the first to get frosted and it was a bit of a disaster since I made the frosting too runny. But it tasted good! And I kind of loved how Logan's turned out.
Aside from an injury (my kid) and several rounds of tears (also all from my kids) we had a FANTASTIC time! Ali and Logan have such fun, sweet friends and it was great to have them here with us to celebrate Ali and Logan's 4th birthday. We love Ali and Logan so much and feel SO blessed to have them as a part of our family.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Mittens or Boots?

Ali got some new mittens, but was not able to put them on. Not one to be deterred from a goal, she was quite pleased to find they worked well as boots!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Line Up

Eli loves to line things up. One of his favorite things to play with are trains, and of course they work great in a line. But he also lines up other toys. One morning when he was playing alone in the family room, I looked around and saw a line of cars, another of trains, and another of blocks. It was easy to see who had been playing in that room! (Notice the "houses" made from books in the left of the picture, made by Ali and Logan.)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Who's Who?

If you looked at these pictures and said, "Oh, it's Ali, Logan and Eli," you were wrong. Actually we have here two Captain Moronis waving their Titles of Liberty, and one of the citizens who flocked to him, dressed in his battle clothing ready to fight for his family, country, religion, and freedom!

Friday, March 9, 2012

A new use...

...for the dress-ups and blankets: decorating the banister.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I will never get tired of looking in on my sleeping babies. They are so precious!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Snuggle Girl

We call Ali our snuggle girl because, you guessed it, she loves to snuggle. But if no one is around to snuggle her, a nice fluffy blanket will do. This is how we find her most mornings when we come downstairs: snuggled in this blanket watching cartoons. Some mornings we almost don't see her because she is almost completely covered!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Creative Logan

Logan "built" this great track with his tools, his hammer and drill. He made the tracks end floating in mid-air, which meant that is trains had to be "super trains" who could fly. He combined his tools, trains, and love for super-heroes into one game:) I love to see such great imaginations at work!