Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Canoes and Kayaks

Over the summer Jason took the kids on various canoe and kayak adventures. Jake, not surprisingly, liked the idea more than the actuality, but the older three loved their adventures. 


Saturday, August 28, 2021


One of the last days before school started we checked the last item off of our summer to do list: go to the zoo. I love going to the one in Chicago-I just love that there is a zoo right next to the city! The weather was so lovely and we had a great time.


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Basement Couch

We got a new (to us) couch for the basement, and Eli thought maybe we should just keep it in the car!

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Pierced Ears!

Ali decided, out of the blue it seemed to me, that she wanted to get her ears pierced. I did lots of research since her body seems to react strongly to things, and everything seemed to say getting piercings done at tattoo parlors is the safest way. Looking into places around here I found a guy who does only piercings and has great reviews, so I figured he was a good bet. 

Our appointment was an hour long, though of course the actual piercings only took a few minutes. He took lots of time to answer questions before, and then joked with us some trying to get Ali to relax. After, I thought it was just chatting because he's friendly, but then realized he'd been watching to see if Ali would get woozy, because he suddenly went to her and reminded her to breathe as he laid her chair back-only then did I notice how pale she had gotten! He came off as a pretty chill, even silly, guy but that showed me how good he is at what he does, and was careful with his clients.

We are so pleased with how it turned out!

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Back to School

After a year and a half of remote and hybrid learning, these cool kids get to go back for a normal (albeit wearing masks) school year!

For the first time since preschool, Ali and Logan have classes together, as well as lockers right next to each other. I am pleased about that, and I think they're ok with it.
While walking the school, we noticed Ali's picture is in the hall! It was taken in 6th grade home ec. class.
First day!
These cuties also had a back to school night, but we had limited time and lots to do (they were trying to stagger people), so we have no pictures to show for it. But here they are ready to go on the first day!

I'll admit, a quiet house is lovely. Even better, so far they are enjoying their time back and giving every indication of another successful year.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Roller Rink

These two wanted to go rollerblading at the rink at least once this summer: check!

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Summer Reading

 Ali and Logan had to read Lord of the Flies this summer for school; neither were very impressed with it. Logan drew a picture of the book burning (a throwback to last year's summer reading Fahrenheit 451), and when he finished the book he celebrated by actually burning the picture (not the book-he still needed that).

Monday, August 9, 2021

My Garden

I planted a couple of things I thought would be fun to watch grow this year. One was giant sunflowers. Sure enough, the stalks got huge with most of them around 6 feet tall, a few around 4 feet and this one giant one that is easily 10 feet tall. The weird thing is I was wondering if they would ever flower, but they finally did right at the very end of August. I have enjoyed them so much!

I also planted two pumpkin plants. They grew LIKE CRAZY, spreading along one whole side of the deck, turning the corner and stretching along most of another side, and climbing up and spreading along my deck! We've picked about 75 of the cutest small, usually white, pumpkins!

Wednesday, August 4, 2021


We took our annual trip to the dunes. It was only around 70 and so everyone said they would stay out of the water...I had my doubts. Sure enough, it wasn't too long before they braved the (admittedly) cold water. We forgot to take a family picture, but I promise Jason and I were there too.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Hair Cut

Ali got TEN INCHES cut off her hair this summer. I just love it. She looks so grown up and sophisticated.