Monday, February 26, 2018

Daddy Daughter

Jason got to take our girl to her school's daddy daughter dance. They're so cute!

Saturday, February 24, 2018


I received a new calling to teach Sunday School to these great 14 and 15 year-olds. I am really enjoying it so far!
But I will miss serving with these good women in the primary presidency.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Paper Hat

Life is fun through Eli's eyes.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Happy Place

This is Jake's happy place: watching TV, under a blanket, with a pile of books (about his favorite movies).

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Snow Fun

We've had a lot of snow lately and the kids have been enjoying it. Jake calls all kinds of snow (flakes, balls, drifts, etc) "snowmans," and he got a big kick out of seeing an actual snowman in person, in his own yard, no less.
Lots of cool forts have been created thanks for the 16 or so inches we got over a couple of days (resulting in a snow day off of school).

Jake and I even braved the cold a time or two. (Jake would go out all the time if I let him, poor  thing)

Monday, February 12, 2018

Good Mom

I'm a good mom:)

Saturday, February 10, 2018


Alison loves to learn how to do household things. Lately she has asked to learn how to do laundry, iron, and her favorite: bake. She has gotten to the point now where she can make brownies or a cake all by herself. Her brothers love it when she has treat for FHE.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Logan was so pleased with his fortune Wookie and Hans Foldo (who interpreted for the Wookie), and it really was pretty funny. He was in such a good mood about it that he even taught Eli to make one!

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Cutest Leprechaun

He makes an awfully cute leprechaun!

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Special Bed

In an effort to let Eli spend some time in his own room, I started giving Jake naps in the pack-n-play in the basement. The only problem we found was that Jake could climb out of the pack-n-play. But Jake still loves naps enough that I was able to convince him that just because he could get out of the pack-n-play didn't mean he should. And then I thought, "If he stays in a pack-n-play he can get out of, why don't we just let him sleep on the bed in there? It will be more comfortable, big enough that he probably won't roll off, and maybe make for a smoother transition when we get rid of his crib." So that's what we've done. He naps like a champ in his "special bed" in the basement on weekends and when Eli is home, and in his crib the rest of the time.