Thursday, June 29, 2023

Family Pictures

When my parents were in town in APRIL I had my dad take family photos. I finally have gotten around to choosing the ones I want to put on my walls and ordered them. Sure love these people.

Monday, June 26, 2023

First Jobs

Ali and Logan got their first jobs this summer working for our friend's business Mantis. They assemble devices that help gun owners improve their accuracy. They usually work four hours a day, four days a week. It is repetitive, mindless work, but they can choose their own schedules and get paid well, so it's really a pretty good first job!
We had to get them set up with checking accounts because they are paid straight to their accounts. Logan especially has enjoyed learning all the ins and outs of ATM cards and online banking.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Ali's Adventures

Ali decided she wants to got the graduation rope that kids at her school get if they volunteer 150 hours during High School, so she is trying to get a lot of hours in this summer. She volunteered at Safety Town where she took four little kids around where they needed to be for three hours, five days a week. She'll do another session later this summer.
She came home from young women's camp with lots of new beaded jewelry and her hair in fancy braids.
She went to a local traveling carnival a couple of days in a row with two different friend groups. 

Monday, June 19, 2023

Jake's Adventures

Jake and I went to one of his favorite places: Blackberry Farm! He was anxious to get going, so he made both his and my lunches! What a treat!
He often does his technology time under a blanket so that no one can watch him or bother him.
He had a filling crack, so he needed another silver tooth put in. He was very brave, and I was very proud of him and thankful for that!
He cannot eat lunch or breakfast without a book to read while he eats.
He's taking swim lessons again-we hope to have him swimming at least a little by the end of summer!
Look at all those toys! Jake called it "The City of Wickedness."
Never a dull moment with Jake!

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Logan's Adventures

Logan decided to give High School Football one more try. His practices are 6:30am-10:30am Monday -Thursday, so it's a big commitment. He's been studying the plays and working hard.
And he has an appetite to match all that hard work.

One afternoon toward the end of the school year his hands got all scratched up from track...he's more committed than I'd be!
So far, I'm enjoying his teenage years.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Eli's Adventures

Here are a few things Eli's been up to:

Cardboard armor:
Sealing letters with fancy wax stamps:
Putting together puzzles and then gluing them and putting them on the walls:
Climbing trees:
Sure do love him!

Monday, June 12, 2023

Clarks Come to Town

One of my best friends moved away last year, and we were so excited when they came back to visit. Josette's son Scotty was one of Jake's best friends too, so we were thrilled to meet up with them at the ninja park and to have them over to play for an afternoon. I also got to have a girl's night with Josette and several of our other friends, and go out to dinner with Jason and Chaz as well as another couple. I tried to be patient and share her with all our friends who missed her too, but it was hard! We loved that they came for a visit and hope it becomes an annual tradition!  

Friday, June 9, 2023


Ali participated in a local theater's production of a play called Isolation. It was an intense three weeks of at least four-hour-a-day practices and then four nights of shows. A few of Ali's friends were in the play with her, and she had fun!

A couple of church young women's leaders came to the shows and brought flowers!
It was a lot of work, but I think Ali is looking forward to doing another show next summer!

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Post School Year Clean Up

It feels good to clean out the backpacks and get rid of all that garbage at the end of the school year (here is only one of many piles that we trashed!).

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Happy Marry-Iversary!

May 27, 2023 marked a fun anniversary for me- on that day I had officially been married longer than I hadn't been. I dubbed it my "marry-iversary" and went out with my sweetheart to celebrate. It was a fun day to think on what a lovely life we've created together and how grateful I am for him.
I'm glad I get to spend my forever with Jason!