Friday, March 31, 2023


Loving the High School band concerts for these two!

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

The Little Mermaid Jr

Eli spent a huge amount of time January through March preparing for his part in his Junior High's production of The Little Mermaid Jr. We were so proud of Eli for even trying out- it was something he'd never tried before! He got the part of a gull and a sea creature and so was in three different songs. The kids did a really great job; it was fun to watch them!

Auntie Lianna had planned to come all the way out from Colorado to see the show, but sadly got a concussion and wasn't able to come. She still very sweetly sent this candy lei that we were able to give Eli on her behalf.

One of Eli's best buddy's lives across the street and had the part of Sebastian. They really enjoyed being in a show together.

He loved the experience and is looking forward to doing it again.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Family Fun Day

We still try to do Family Fun Days the first weekend(ish) of the month. The photo was an ice cream stop after a band/choir concert for Eli. I love being with this family of mine.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023


Happy birthday to the two coolest 15 year olds I know! We had one party Friday for school friends and another on Saturday for church friends, so much fun was had and much candy consumed. For the school friend party the boys claimed the upstairs TV and the girls went down in the basement and had a blast playing games. The one the next night with church friends all the kids hung out together doing who knows what.
We are grateful for Ali and Logan. They are kind, smart, responsible, faithful and just plain lovely. 

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Everything's a toy

Jake and I were going to watch a movie on my bed, and while he waited for me to do one quick thing (always one more thing to be done!), he found my ear plugs and made up a game using them. Funny kid.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

No Braces!

Ali got her braces off! It was kind of an ordeal- she had a peg tooth (smaller than the others) that made for a long day: 1st appointment at ortho to get braces off, then right to the dentist to get the tooth widened, back to the ortho to get a mold of her teeth made, and then a 3rd ortho at the end of the day to pic up the retainer (2 hours of driving and 2 additional hours of waiting for me). But we're so pleased with the end result.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Blackhawks Fan

Eli has become a big Blackhawk's fan, and when Jason noticed that some tickets are only $12 Eli decided to spend his allowance and go! Fun that a major league team had tickets a kid can afford!

Monday, March 6, 2023


Track has been a BIG part of our lives since January. Logan has practice 6 days a week (even on days they don't have school), so needs to be picked up from school every weekday and taken to and from the Saturday practice. Add to that a handful of meets, and it keeps us very busy. But Logan loves it, so we do too.
It's hard waiting for your brother's 8 second part of a two-hour event.
This was the first outdoor meet- and it was COLD! 
Here's to three more years.

Friday, March 3, 2023


Jason thought Jake might like to learn to play chess, and boy did he!