Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Take a Picture

At least once a day Jake will say, "Take a picture!" Yes, Jake. Here are some of my favs.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Free Birds

Ali has started letting her birds out of their cage sometimes and it is fun to see where they perch--even on the edge of a piece of paper!

Friday, January 25, 2019


There may be many things Jake won't like about being so much younger than the rest of the kids in the family, but there are also serious up-sides. The Carousel at the mall is one great example: when the other three were little enough to want to go on it, $5 a ticket times three kids was just way too much for a two minute ride. But $5 for one? That I can handle. Plus, he's too cute.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

World War 2-Opoly

Logan had a school assignment to make a monopoly board revolving around an interest of his. The requirement was that they make a board much smaller than the actual game board and they had about a week to work on it. 

Well, Logan loves Monopoly and plays it a lot with his dad (much to his dad's delight), so a small board wouldn't do. He came home from school the first day they got the assignment, pulled out the real gameboard for dimensions and ideas, and then spent 4-5 hours creating this masterpiece: World War 2-Opoly. Part of his excitement in making this was the idea of how his teacher and classmates would react, and when he brought it to school the next day he wasn't dissapointed. Everyone was in awe and he "got lots of fame," as he put it, and the teacher laminated it for him as well as took a picture of it to show future classes.  It's so fun to see them get excited about and work hard on things!

Sunday, January 20, 2019


For some reason, Eli was sitting on the stairs eating a treat, and Jake saw and decided he had to be just like him.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Jake's Animals

Jake has a few stuffed animals: Penguin, Owl, Fish, Turtle, Santa Toy and Snowy Toy that he carts around the house all day with him. They are his buddies, and they do everything with him.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Fun World

Logan told me during Christmas Break that if we went to the playground at Odyssey Fun World than he would be totally happy with the break...well how can I resist making my kid totally happy?! So we went, and we really did have fun. Jake was a little (a lot) unsure about the higher-up parts, and for a few days after would say, "Thank you for taking me to the scary playground that made me cry!"

Friday, January 11, 2019

Children's Museum

One of the days during Christmas break I convinced the older kids we should go to the "fun" children's museum that is about an hour from us. They all had a pretty good time. Cute kids.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Goodbye Nursery, Hello Primary!

Jake has enjoyed his nice long stint in nursery, and loved every one of his teachers and buddies. Here he is on his last day of nursery.
But now he's ready for Primary! Here's the first day!
Some of the novelty has already worn off and he asks to go to nursery again instead of primary, but he'll get used to it. His new teachers are already getting a kick out of him; one texted me during church to tell me he'd just told her he liked her eyeballs! Our baby is getting so big!

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Ali's Painting

Alison worked for hours and hours on this paint-by-number piece and it turned out so well we had to frame it!

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Train Adventure

Jake has been wanting to go on an "adventure on a train" for quite awhile, so the other day when Jason was off of work we made it happen. Jason and Jake took the train from the stop near our house to the stop by the children's museum (about a 10 minute ride!) where Grandma Eldredge (who was visiting) and I were waiting. He loved it! He kept saying, "Choo Choo!" So fun to make their dreams come true!