Friday, March 29, 2013


Logan is really enjoying drawing again lately. He is helping me make labels for the boxes I am packing by drawing pictures of what's inside:
We bought a bird feeder a few months ago, something Logan was VERY excited to get. But we've been really disappointed that the birds aren't using it. He decided to make a sign that would show the birds how they're supposed to use it--with pictures, not words, because they can't read:) I loved creativity and detail of this one! You can see the bird feeder on a tree with seeds in it and two birds. At this point he showed it to me, and while I was praising him, he was looking at it critically. "Oh, I know!" he said, "I need to draw seeds in the birds' bellies!" He ran off to make his addition and when he came back, the bird flying away has his belly full of seeds, and the one still there only has a few seeds in his belly. I loved watching him solve this problem creativly--he had to show not only that there were seeds for the birds, but that the seeds could be eaten! He hung in up in the front window so the birds could all see it and start using the bird feeder.
This drawing melted my heart. In the Ensign this month there is a beautiful picture of the Savior on a boat with his disciples. Logan asked about the picture and I told the story of the night they were all on the boat in a storm and the Savior said, "Peace, be still," and the storm went away. He loved that story and wanted to draw a picture of it. Can you see the waves and the wind? Then there is the disciple on the boat with a frown because he's scared. The Savior is standing with his arm out and a word bubble coming out of his mouth with the word "Peace" written in it. So, so precious. I could see his testimony in this picture. Logan has had several experiences feeling the calming influence of the Spirit when he's been in pain from his legs at night, and I think that's why this story had such a strong impact on him.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Picky, Picky

I guess our dinner time conversation wasn't stimulating enough for him:)

Friday, March 22, 2013

Five Years Old!

We had so much fun celebrating Ali and Logan today! We invited over all the family we have around, which is getting to be a wonderfully large number of people, on Friday night for cake and presents.
I've found sometimes the only way to get a smiley picture is to promise a silly one if they do, and often I like the silly one the best anyway!
Here's the fun group, minus Daddy the cameraman.
Ali has been loving books on CD from the Library lately, so I thought she might think her own CD player was fun. Eli was a complete saint about not getting his own presents to open and having a brother and sister who did not want to share their new loot, so I let him open a present that had some books on CD. The look on his face was priceless; he was thrilled to get a turn. But as soon as Ali realized what the CD player was, she ran right over to a plug and listened to a book, never mind that the party was still in full swing.
And to say that Logan was excited to get the Legos he's been wanting so much would be a huge understatement. Jason and I spent about four hours the next day putting lego rescue vehicles together. Next time maybe I shouldn't get such a big set:) It was fun to know exactly what the kids would love and to be able to give it to them.
After cake and presents Ali wanted to know when we were going to play games, I guess because we played games at their friend party last year. So Uncle JD and Aunt Lianna were good sports and played "Red Light, Green Light," "Tag," and "Mother May I?"

Jason and I are so grateful to be the parents of two wonderful Five Year Olds!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Jumpy Birthday Party

When I realized Ali and Logan's birthdays were coming up, I immediately knew I wasn't up to planning a big party for a bunch of friends like I did last year; there is still so much going on with the moving process. But I also knew I wanted to do something to celebrate another wonderful year with these two. Since we have two extra seats in our car, I asked them each to pick one friend to invite for a special birthday party. There were lots of friends they would have loved to include, but simple was the theme of this party. That morning we picked up both friends and headed over to Monkey Joes, a jumpy place near our home. The four of them were so fun to watch running, jumping, laughing, and playing.
Eli had been as excited to go as anyone, but when it got right down to it he wasn't really a fan. Jason convinced him to go down one slide towards the end. He must have been proud of his bravery because he said, "Show Mommy Slide!" and went down one more with me watching before he called it quits:)
Taking a little break.
I was a little surprised at how daring Logan was: he jump/dove down each slide!
And this one of Ali might be my favorite of the whole day!
After about an hour, we went home and decorated cupcakes. Again, simple was the name of the game. Oh, you want hats? Let's see what we have (some Burger King crowns may have been used so that everyone had a hat...). Of course you want candles to blow out...good thing I have some in the cupboard. And oh, yeah, we should probably send home a goodybag with their generous friends...lunch paper sacks filled with goodies we had around the house will do nicely, I think!

When all was said and done we all had a great time and it took almost no effort to plan. It was a fun day with out two favorite almost five-year-olds! They are sure something to celebrate!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Little Moments

This is how we usually sit to read books, one of my favorite things to do with my kids.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

It's a bird, it's a's a bad guy with a big bib!

Eli wore either this or the Superman cape for three days straight, including anywhere we went out of the house. I loved it. And he prefered having in the front looking like a big bib. I guess that way he could see it too and enjoy it. I also loved that he kept running around saying, "I'm a bad guy!" Logan took his role of "older brother imparting his vast wisdom" seriously, and kept trying to correct both the way Eli was wearing the cape and the fact that Batman and Superman are good guys who fight the bad guys, but Eli would not be dissuaded.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Paper Person

Ali and Logan like to go a little crazy with the tape when I'm not watching, but at least this time she had a good excuse: she made a paper person! So cute!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Snow Gear

Logan was so excited when the snow finally came that he wore his snow gear for about four days straight. He'd put them on when he first woke up, take them off to get dressed and then put them right back on again. He was annoyed I wouldn't let him sleep with it all on. I guess he felt like he needed to be ready to go at a moments' notice.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Boy After My Own Heart!

Eli found this book called The World's Greatest Buildings (including places like Machu Picchu, Versailles, Pisa's tower, the Library at Ephesus and the like) and he loves to look through it. Truly a boy after my own heart!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Wonderful Books

Ali, Logan and I have been enjoying reading Junie B. Jones and Magic Tree House "special books" (chapter books). I've been impressed with their recall of the plot as we read then over the course of several days, and it has been fun teaching them vocabulary words like character, setting, author, illustrator, etc. I've also loved watching them act out some of the things we read in the book, like on this day when we had "pet day" at school just like Junie B. Ali, or should I say Mrs. (just like from the book) liked calling on "Katie" to show her pet. Cutie.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Dress Up Loveys

Remember how I said we love loveys around here? Here is one example of how they get in on the play time, even though they are technically supposed to stay in the kids' beds all day. But how can you resist these cute kids, their cute imaginations, and these cute army man and princess loveys?

Monday, March 4, 2013

"Yeah, ME!"

Any time we ask if the kids want to do something, or if Ali and Logan are doing something that looks like fun Eli is sure to say, "Yeah, me!" Like this time when I was taking a picture of one of the other kids and Eli sees and says, "Yeah, me!" and then grins. How could I resist?

Saturday, March 2, 2013

American Girls

Ali and I got to go downtown to the American Girl Store with Aunt Amy, Emily, and Grandma. It was such a fun girls' day out. Ali brought Dolly Ali, and Dolly Ali got to play with all the displays and make lots of new Dolly friends. This time Ali realized all the things in the store were for sale, but she didn't whine for anything, she just enjoyed playing with it all. We also had lunch at the American Girl Restaurant. I sure love spending time with this fun girl!
Ali and her "best cousin" Emily: