Thursday, April 28, 2016

Neat and Tidy

I walked into Jake's room the other day and found every single part of the room had been organized and made neat: the toy box, the changing table, the books, the crib. What a sweet service from my sweet oldest boy!

Monday, April 25, 2016


Jake hated every single bottle he drank until he was about 11 months old, the time I normally start trying to wean my babies off their bottles. Not coincidentally, this was when started giving him almond milk instead of formula. Apparently he is not allergic to milk, but someone without an allergy can have a "sensitivity" to something...and it is clear he does. He threw up ALL THE TIME until we switched and now he almost never does. He HATED his bottles, and now he loves them and will even hold it himself sometimes. 
He is still getting used to sippy cups, and since any dairy makes him throw up I am hesitant to take away his only source of calcium. I've decided to not worry about it and just enjoy a baby who likes his bottles for a bit longer!

Friday, April 22, 2016


Eli spends a good deal of his free time lately building with the legos; we're talking hours a day sometimes. I have finally convinced him that the instructions are just suggestions and you can make do with other pieces if you can't find the exact ones pictured, and that has lead to some amazing creations!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Hair Raising

I love to see what the static from the trampoline does to her hair!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Moving Around

Now that Little Mister can move himself around (scooting on his bum), the most interesting things have become his favorite toys.
He also knows where his real toys are and can help himself:)

Friday, April 15, 2016


Sometimes you just need to put on a pretty dress and play princesses with your daughter.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Sick Day

It's true that moms don't get sick days, but sometimes my kids do such sweet things for me to try to make me feel better that it almost makes it worth it...almost. One morning lately I woke to find they had made me this yummy breakfast (my favorite cereal, milk on the side; fresh squeezed orange juice; bagels; and grapes) and sweet get-well notes.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Caps for Sale!

Eli piled a bunch of his hats onto his head and then wandered around the house saying, "Caps, Caps, Caps for sale! Fifty cents a cap!" We do love to read, but not as much as I love him! 

Thursday, April 7, 2016

He's One!

Happy Actual Birthday, Jake! To say we love you is a HUGE understatement!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Excited Cub Scout

Logan is SO excited to be a cub scout. He was trilled when I finally took him to buy all of his stuff:
He wears his hat every single day, even to school knowing he'll have to take it off once he gets there, and loves the scout shirt our old ward had ordered for the cubs to use on outings right before our ward was dissolved (so they gave them to the kids, including the up-coming cubs, as a memento).
He wore his scout shirt all day the day of his first den meeting, which happened to fall on his birthday, and could not wait to was a pretty good birthday present!

Monday, April 4, 2016


She was entertaining her brother, and I guess they decided a change of venue was in order.

Saturday, April 2, 2016


Part of our weekend of celebrations last weekend was Easter. We decorated eggs, found baskets (the Easter Bunny rocked the baskets!), and had an egg hunt.
 We took our annual silly egg nose picture:
 And I got the cutest shot of this darling boy on his first Easter: