Thursday, February 1, 2018

Special Bed

In an effort to let Eli spend some time in his own room, I started giving Jake naps in the pack-n-play in the basement. The only problem we found was that Jake could climb out of the pack-n-play. But Jake still loves naps enough that I was able to convince him that just because he could get out of the pack-n-play didn't mean he should. And then I thought, "If he stays in a pack-n-play he can get out of, why don't we just let him sleep on the bed in there? It will be more comfortable, big enough that he probably won't roll off, and maybe make for a smoother transition when we get rid of his crib." So that's what we've done. He naps like a champ in his "special bed" in the basement on weekends and when Eli is home, and in his crib the rest of the time.


Daniel and Bonita said...

I love pictures of sleeping babies.

jeanene c said...

Perfect solution!