Thursday, February 15, 2018

Snow Fun

We've had a lot of snow lately and the kids have been enjoying it. Jake calls all kinds of snow (flakes, balls, drifts, etc) "snowmans," and he got a big kick out of seeing an actual snowman in person, in his own yard, no less.
Lots of cool forts have been created thanks for the 16 or so inches we got over a couple of days (resulting in a snow day off of school).

Jake and I even braved the cold a time or two. (Jake would go out all the time if I let him, poor  thing)


Daniel and Bonita said...

The snow is so fun when you are a kid! I wish I could have played more in it when I was young. As adults, we mostly just get to shovel it and drive in it, but when I take time to play in it, I still get a kick out of it.

JaNae said...

I love all these posts! I may be crazy for saying this, but I'm jealous of all your snow! We've hardly had any! Your kids are darling. We love and miss you guys!!!

Geevz said...

That's a lot of snow! How fun!

jeanene c said...

Your Mom is right...Lucky kids!